Sunday, February 26, 2023

New at Howard Works

La Biblioteca del Laberinto (Spanish)
La tumba del dragón. Miscelánea 2
(The Dragon's Tomb. Miscellaneous 2)

"A Dream"
"Under the Baobab Tree"
"The Haunted Hut"
"Pictures in the Fire"
"The Voice of Doom"
"The Spirit of Brian Boru"
"The Devil's Woodchopper"
"A Horror in the Night"
"For the Love of Barbara Allen"
"The Ghost with the Silk Hat"
"Age Lasting Love"
"The Challenge from Beyond"
"The Soul-Eater" (poem)
"The Dream and the Shadow" (poem)
"The Last Hour" (poem)
"Haunting Columns" (poem)
"The Singer in the Mist" (1, poem)
"The Voices Waken Memory" (poem)
"Moon Shame" (poem)
"Babel" (poem)
"Laughter in the Gulfs" (poem)
"A Crown for a King" (poem)
Letter to Harold Preece, ca. October or early November 1930,
"Well, Harold, I’m sorry to hear your nose . . ."
Letter to August Derleth, ca. January 1933,
"I was much interested in your accounts . . ."
Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, ca. March 1934,
"I am sorry to hear you have been indisposed . . ."
Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, pm, July 22, 1933,
"I can hardly find words to express . . ."
Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, pm, December 14, 1933,
"Only the fact that I have been sick . . ."
Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, ca. October 1933,
"Thanks very much for the kind things . . ."
Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, ca. January 1934,
"Thanks again for the drawing of the wizard."
Letter to Clark Ashton Smith, July 23, 1935,
"I’m ashamed of my long delay in answering . . ."

La Biblioteca del Laberinto (Spanish)
Santuario de buitres y otras historias del viejo Oeste
(Vultures' Sanctuary and Other Stories of the Old West)

"Boot Hill Payoff"
"The Vultures of Wahpeton"
"Golden Hope Christmas"
"Vultures' Sanctuary"

Dragon (Greek)
O Kepos toe Fovoe (The Garden of Fear)

"The Garden of Fear"
"The House of Arabu"
"Hawks Over Egypt"
"The Gods of Bal-Sagoth"

The Robert E. Howard Foundation
Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter V16N4

"Iron Shadows in the Moon" (Part 1 of 2) 
"The Hyborian Age" (Draft A)
"The Hyborian Age" (Draft B)
Notes on Various Peoples of the Hyborian Age 
List of Hyborian Names, Places, and Locations
Letter to H. P. Lovecraft, ca. April 1932,
"At last I’ve gotten around . . ."
Letter to Wilfred B. Talman, ca. November 26, 1930,
"I highly appreciated your letter and will be very glad . . ."
Letter to Wilfred B. Talman, ca. February 1931,
"I can hardly find words to express . . ."

Dark Horse Comics
Conan the Barbarian #1

"Queen of the Black Coast"  
(Chapter 1, Part 1 of 3, graphic  adaptation)

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