Sunday, February 9, 2020

New at Howard Works

Newton Compton Editori (Italian)
Conan il barbaro
"The Tower of the Elephant"
"The Hall of the Dead"
"The God in the Bowl"
"Rogues in the House"
"The Frost-Giant's Daughter"
"Queen of the Black Coast"
"The Vale of Lost Women"
"Black Colossus"
"Shadows in the Moonlight"
"A Witch Shall Be Born"
"Shadows in Zamboula"
"The Devil in Iron"
"The People of the Black Circle"
"The Slithering Shadow"
"The Pool of the Black One"
"Red Nails"
"Jewels of Gwahlur"
"Beyond the Black River"
"The Treasure of Tranicos"
"The Phoenix on the Sword"
"The Scarlet Citadel"
"The Hour of the Dragon"
"The Hyborian Age"

Newton Compton Editori (Italian)
L'orrore di Cthulhu
Featuring: "The Black Stone"

Thanks to Leo Grin for scanning this publication.
Thanks to Dennis McHaney for providing me with the scans.

Bo Cribbs
Absinthe Pissed [Distributed in REHupa 119]
Featuring: "The Haunted Hut"

Marvel Comics
The Savage Sword of Conan Volume 1 Number 31
Featuring:    "The Flame Knife"

1 comment:

  1. Okay then...

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