Sunday, August 18, 2019

New at Howard Works

Thanks to José R. Montejano for the information and the scans.

Sportula (Spanish)
Nacerá una bruja
"Cimmeria" (poem)
"The Frost-Giant's Daughter"
"The Tower of the Elephant"
"The God in the Bowl"
"Rogues in the House"
"Queen of the Black Coast"
"The Vale of Lost Women"
"Black Colossus"
"Shadows in the Moonlight"
"A Witch Shall Be Born"
"The Song of Belit" (poem)
"The Hyborian Age"

Thanks to José R. Montejano for the information and the scans.

Sportula (Spanish)
El diablo de hierro
"Shadows in Zamboula"
"Xuthal of the Dusk"
"The Devil in Iron"
"The People of the Black Circle"
"The Black Stranger"

The REH Foundation Press
Post Oaks and Sand Roughs
"The Wandering Years"
"An Autobiography"
"What I did to Help Win the War"
"In His Own Image"
"Some People Who Have Had Influence Over Me"
"A Touch of Trivia"
"To a Man Whose Name I Never Knew"
"The Galveston Affair"
"The Beast from the Abyss"
untitled play (A typical small town drugstore . . .)
"Spanish Gold on Devil Horse"
"Post Oaks and Sand Roughs"
"Sunday in a Small Town"
"Ambition in the Moonlight"
"Musings of a Moron"
"What I did in Vacation"
"What My Signature Means to Me"
"The Recalcitrant"
untitled story (Mike Costigan, writer and self-avowed futilist, . . .)
"The Splendid Brute"
"The Paradox"
"The Ivory Camel"
"Spanish Gold on Devil Horse" (early draft)
"Post Oaks and Sand Roughs" (early draft)
"The Seven-Up Ballad" (poem)
"Dula Due to be Champion"
"Letters from Mom"
"Unsigned contract"
Letter to Argosy All-Story Weekly, Spring 1929
Letter to Farnsworth Wright, June/July 1931
Letter to Wilfred Blanch Talman, September 1931
Letter to Dime Sports, June 1936

Marvel Comics
The Savage Sword of Conan Volume 1 Number 13
"The Gods of Bal-Sagoth"
"The Right Hand of Doom"

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