Sunday, September 30, 2018

New at Howard Works

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore (Italian)
I Figli della Notte. Raccon ti dell'Orrore Volume 2
"Worms of the Earth"
"The Symbol" (poem)
"Secret of Lost Valley"
"The Hoofed Thing"
"The Noseless Horror"
"The Dwellers Under the Tomb"
"An Open Window" (poem)
"The House of Arabu"
"The Man on the Ground"
"Old Garfield's Heart"
"Kelly the Conjure-Man"
"Black Canaan"
"To a Woman" (2, poem)
"One Who Comes At Eventide" (poem)
"The Haunter of the Ring"
"Pigeons from Hell"
"The Dead Remember"
"The Fire of Asshurbanipal" (1)
"Fragment" (poem)
"Which Will Scarcely Be Understood" (poem)
"Golnar the Ape"
"Spectres in the Dark"
"The House"
untitled fragment (Beneath the glare of the sun . . . )

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore (Italian)
L'ira di Conan
"The Pool of the Black One"
"Rogues in the House"
"Shadows in the Moonlight"
"Queen of the Black Coast"
"The Devil in Iron"
"The People of the Black Circle"
"A Witch Shall Be Born"
"Jewels of Gwahlur"

Robert E. Howard Foundation
The Robert E. Howard Foundation Newsletter Volume 12 Number 2
Featuring:  "The Road of the Eagles" (Part 2 of 2)

Marvel Comics
Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian: Red Nails
Featuring:  "Red Nails"  & "Cimmeria" (poem)

Updated at Howard Works

Images of the two binding types were added.
Thanks to Dennis McHaney for the images.

Donald Grant
Echoes From An Iron Harp
Featuring: Poetry by REH

Marvel Conan Comics - Update!

Marvel Editor-In-Chef C.B.Cebulski attended Heroes Con Madrid 2018 this past week where he  talked about the return of Conan to Marvel.

We know of January’s launch of Conan the Barbarian by Jason Aaron, Mahmud Asrar and Matt Wilson with covers by Esad Ribic. We now have confirmation of two more ongoing Conan titles.

Savage Sword of Conan will be launching in February.
Age Of Conan will be launching in March.

Creative teams were not revealed.
No word on the format of Savage Sword of Conan (black & white or color).

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Conan TV Series

Amazon has cancelled the Conan TV series that was in development.
This change has been attributed to a change in management at Amazon.

The Conan series project had Colony co-creator Ryan Condal, Game of Thrones director Miguel Sapochnik, and Fargo and The Handmaid’s Tale executive producer Warren Littlefield on board, along with Pathfinder Media and Endeavor Content.

Condal’s Conan aimed to retell the classic story by returning to Howard’s literary origins. This treatment finds the title character driven out of his tribal homelands and forced to wander a dangerous world while searching for purpose in a land that sees him as nothing more than a mindless savage.

The show's pilot episode was to adapt The Frost-Giant's Daughter, chronologically the earliest story of Conan's life. The ambition of the series was to adapt all of the REH Conan stories, interspersed with new material forming a serial element to better connect the stories together. The ultimate goal was to cover all of Conan's life up to his reign as King of Aquilonia.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

New at Howard Works

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore (Italian)
L'era di Conan 
"The Phoenix on the Sword"
"The Scarlet Citadel"
"The Tower of the Elephant"
"Black Colossus"
"The Slithering Shadow"

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore (Italian)
I Figli della Notte. Racconti dell'Orrore Volume 1
"In the Forest of Villefere"
"A Song of the Werewolf Folk" (poem)
"Up John Kane!" (poem)
"Remembrance" (poem)
"The Dream Snake"
"Sea Curse"
"The Moor Ghost" (poem)
"Moon Mockery" (poem)
"The Little People"
"Dead Man's Hate" (poem)
"The Tavern" (poem)
"Rattle of Bones"
"The Fear That Follows" (poem)
"The Spirit of Tom Molyneaux" 
"Casonetto's Last Song"
"The Touch of Death"
"Out of the Deep"
"A Legend of Faring Town"  (poem)
"Restless Waters" 
"The Shadow of the Beast"
"The Dead Slaver's Tale" (poem)
"Dermod's Bane"
"The Hills of the Dead"
"Dig Me No Grave"
"The Song of a Mad Minstrel" (poem)
"The Children of the Night"
"Musings" (1, poem)
"The Black Stone"
"The Thing on the Roof"
"The Dweller in Dark Valley" (poem)
"The Horror from the Mound"
"A Dull Sound as of Knocking" (poem)
"People of the Dark"
"Delenda Est"
"The Cairn on the Headland"

Fiction House Press
Oriental Stories Volume 2 Number 1
Featuring: "The Sowers of the Thunder"

Marvel Comics  
The Sword of Solomon Kane #6
"Wings in the Night"
"Solomon Kane's Homecoming (1, original)

Updated at Howard Works
Thanks to Wilhelm Weinrauch (
for the scans and information.

Updated the release date to April 1977 as documented in
Roy Squires April 1977 Bulletin.
Added information and a scan of the
Limited Edition Traycase produced for:
A Song of the Naked Lands (1973)
The Gold and the Grey (1974)
Altars and Jesters (1974)
Up John Kane! and Other Poems (1975)

Roy Squires
Up John Kane! and Other Poems
"Up John Kane!" (poem)
"When Death Drops Her Veil" (poem)
"A Dying Pirate Speaks of Treasure" (poem)
"Mad Meg Gill" (poem)
"Dreams" (poem)

Limited Edition Traycase

Friday, September 21, 2018

Pulp Hero Press
By David C. Smith
Coming in October!

Pulp Hero Press
Coming in October!

ROY THOMAS BARBARIAN LIFE is the first of two volumes written by Roy Thomas about the "life" of Conan the Barbarian as chronicled in the Marvel comics he scripted during the 1970s. The first volume has 50 chapters, each corresponding to the same-numbered issue of the comic book, and includes a biographical style account of what Conan did in the comic, in comparison to what he did in the REH story on which the comic is based, as well as background information about the people involved in creating the comic, relevant inner workings of Marvel at the time, Roy's working relationship with Glenn Lord, etc.

Publication is anticipated in mid-October.
Cover by Benito Gallego

Thanks to Benito Gallego for the cover scan.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

New at Howard Works

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore (Italian)
Conan. La spada della fenice (Oscar Bestsellers 1471)
"The Phoenix on the Sword"
"The Scarlet Citadel"
"The Tower of the Elephant"
"Black Colossus"
"The Slithering Shadow"

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore (Italian)
Conan. La spada della fenice [Fantasy Urania #6 (Second Series)]
"The Phoenix on the Sword"
"The Scarlet Citadel"
"The Tower of the Elephant"
"Black Colossus"
"The Slithering Shadow"

Carnelian Press
Twilight Echoes No. 1
Featuring:  "The Vale of Lost Women"

Marvel Comics
The Sword of Solomon Kane #5
Featuring:  "The Hills of the Dead"

Updated at Howard Works

Clarified the contents, added a better cover image of the chapbook,
and added an image of the limited hardcover edition.

Thanks to Wilhelm Weinrauch at Wilhelm Weinrauch Rare Books  for the new images.

Gibbelins Gazette Publications
The Ghost Ocean
"The Isle of Hy-Brasil" (poem)
"The One Black Stain" (poem)
"Viking's Vision" (poem)
"To All Sophisticates" (poem)
"Man Am I" (poem)
"Never Beyond the Beast" (poem)
"Shadows from Yesterday" (poem)
"The Ghost Ocean" (poem)
"The Song of the Last Briton" (poem)
"The Gates of Babylon" (poem)
"Lilith" (poem)
"Two Men" (poem)
"Memories of Alfred" (poem)
"To a Woman" (1, poem)
"When the Glaciers Rumbled South" (poem)
"Candles" (poem)
"Shadow Thing" (poem)
"Song of the Pict" (poem)
"The Flood" (poem)
"The Adventurer's Mistress" (1, poem)