Thursday, November 24, 2022

Now available!

Written by Val Semeiks, Charles Santino, Gerry Conway & Michael Higgins with Larry Hama, Don Perlin, Michael Fleisher, Roy Thomas & Glenn Herdling

Penciled by Val Semeiks, Ron Lim & Gary Hartle with Gary Kwapisz, Don Perlin, Geoff Senior, Alfredo Alcala, José Delbo, Dwayne Turner, Frank Springer & Rodney Ramos

Covers by Jim Lee & Micael Higgins

As CONAN THE BARBARIAN closed out the 1980s, it was a time of transition for the title — with storytelling innovations coming from veteran creators and new talent alike! In Val Semeiks' climactic run on the title, Conan weighs pleasure and pain in a magical desert city, wrests the Blade of Zed from a mad cleric and runs a gantlet of fantastic beasts in a city of shadows. Larry Hama delivers the elegiac verse of "Drumsong," while Don Perlin writes and draws the Western-styled "The Mask of Vengeance." Gerry Conway makes Conan a cat's paw to a cult of cat people, and Michael Higgins turns back the clock for an eight-issue storyline exploring Conan's formative years in Cimmeria! 

Collecting CONAN THE BARBARIAN (1970) #214-240 and WHAT IF? (1989) #16.

Hardcover, Full Color, 704 pages, $125.00

Sunday, November 20, 2022

New at Howard Works

La Biblioteca del Laberinto (Spanish)
Cuando cantan las espadas (When Swords Sing)

Featuring: Articles about REH heroic fantasy.

La Biblioteca del Laberinto  (Spanish)
Canciones de un juglar loco (Songs of a Mad Minstrel)

Featuring: Collection of 71 poems.

Fiction House Press
The Magic Carpet Magazine Volume 3 Number 2 (Reprint, Nov 2022)

Letter to Magic Carpet Magazine, March 1933,
"Congratulations on the quality . . ."

Tympanum (Czech)
Conan: Hodina draka

"The Hour of the Dragon" (audio)

Dark Horse Comics
Conan the Avenger #2

"The Snout in the Dark"  (Part 2 of 6, graphic adaptation)
To H. P. Lovecraft, ca. July 1935,
"Thanks very much for the fine post-cards . . ." (brief excerpt)

Thursday, November 17, 2022

The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard Volume 3

There is a printing problem with The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard Volume 3.

Please do not purchase the book until the problem is investigated and fixed.

REHF Press announced that all outstanding unfilled orders were cancelled. 

If you receive a copy with the corrupted photos, please let REHF Press know at

Thank you!

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Now available!

Writer: Mathieu Gabella & Julien Blondel
Art:  Anthony Jean & Valentin Sécher

ABLAZE adds to its bestselling line of UNCENSORED Robert E. Howard Cimmerian graphic novels. Discover the true Conan, unrestrained, violent, and sexual. Read the story as he intended!
The Cimmerian Vol 4 includes two complete stories, "Beyond The Black River", and "Hour of the Dragon", plus bonus material, including the original prose stories, in one epic hardcover collection! 

Hardcover, Full Color, 200 pages, $29.99

Monday, November 14, 2022

The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard Volume 3
Now available in hardcover and paperback!

The Collected Letters of Robert E. Howard volume 3, Ultimate Edition, is now available on Amazon in both hardcover and paperback.

Discover some of the early elements of writing style and personality that would go on to define Robert E. Howard, the professional writer. Known to his friends and family simply as "Bob," these early letters illustrate a life-long interest in poetry, boxing, folk songs, and the Irish and the Celts. These letters provide an intimate window as Howard works to develop his writer's craft, creating poems, dramas, parodies of Fu Manchu and detective stories, as well as ribald and bawdy plays and poems. Also revealed are Howard's views on the world at large, including political, social, and philosophical issues, as well as details of his day-to-day life. Don't miss this rare opportunity to get to know Bob Howard on a more personal level, as his friends once knew him.

The publication of "Spear and Fang" in the July 1925 issue of Weird Tales introduced the world to Robert E. Howard; in 1936, that same magazine - as well as legions of fans - mourned his loss. In a writing career that spanned little more than a decade, Howard created a stable of characters whose influences extend well into the current century, most notably Conan the Cimmerian, whose adventures have appeared in various media from a syndicated comic strip to major motion pictures. The incredible popularity of Howard's Hyborean adventurer has eclipsed the many and varied works he produced in other genres. Howard wrote prolifically in the boxing and western genres, creating character series that were as popular in the magazines they appeared in as Conan was in Weird Tales. Straight adventure, horror, weird menace - Howard's byline appeared in a plethora of magazines catering to a broad variety of readerships spanning the 1920s and '30s. He was also a gifted and prolific poet.

The Collected Letters reveal a side of Howard's personality that readers of his fiction might not suspect existed. Full of humor, philosophical musings, travelogue, historical sketches, and opinions on contemporary politics and events - local, national, and international - Howard's letters provide important insight into the life and times of one of the most influential pulp-era writers of the twentieth century.

This third volume of a three-volume set collects all of Howard's known correspondence, from the early letters to his Texas friends, most notably Tevis Clyde Smith, and continuing through correspondence with fellow writers Clark Ashton Smith, E. Hoffmann Price, and others. Also included are Howard's letters to H.P. Lovecraft, which constitute one of the most intriguing correspondence cycles in the history of Fantasy fiction.

Publisher: ‎ Robert E. Howard Foundation Press
Hardcover, 530 pages, $44.99
Paperback, 530 pages, $29.99

Sunday, November 13, 2022

New at Howard Works

La Biblioteca del Laberinto (Spanish)
Callejones en tinieblas

"Alleys of Singapore"
"The Jade Monkey"
"The Mandarin Ruby"
"The Turkish Menace"
"The Yellow Cobra"
"In High Society"
"Playing Journalist"
"The Destiny Gorilla"
"A Knight of the Round Table"
"Playing Santa Claus"

La Biblioteca del Laberinto  (Spanish)
Calaveras en las estrellas. Aventuras de un puritano inglés

"Skulls in the Stars"
"The Right Hand of Doom"
"Red Shadows"
"Rattle of Bones"
"The Moon of Skulls"
"The One Black Stain" (poem)
"Blades of the Brotherhood" (1)
"The Hills of the Dead"
"The Return of Sir Richard Grenville" (poem)
"Wings in the Night"
"The Footfalls Within"
"Solomon Kane's Homecoming" (1, original, poem)

Bragelonne (French)
Conan illustré: La Tour de l'Eléphant

Featuring: "The Tower of the Elephant"

The Borgo Press
The Robert E. Howard Reader (October 2022 reissue, new cover)

Featuring:  Articles about REH and his creations

Books for Libraries Press
Fire and Sleet and Candlelight

"Earth-Born"  (poem)
"The Sands of Time" (poem)

Dark Horse Comics
Conan the Avenger #1

Featuring:  "The Snout in the Dark"  (Part 1 of 6, graphic adaptation)
To H. P. Lovecraft, ca. July 1935,
"Thanks very much for the fine post-cards . . ." (brief excerpt)

Sunday, November 6, 2022

New at Howard Works

Kelonia (Spanish)
Cormac Mac Art: Tigres del mar

"The Night of the Wolf"
"Tigers of the Sea"
"Swords of the Northern Sea"
"The Temple of Abomination"

La Biblioteca del Laberinto  (Spanish)
Almuric y otros textos de ciencia ficción

"Black Hound of Death"
"The Valley of the Lost" (1)
"The People of the Black Coast"
"Serpent Vines"
"The Supreme Moment"

Thanks to Lee Breakiron for the tip!

Alfonso D.J. Alfonso
The Barbarian Scroll #4

Featuring:  "Redflame"

Thanks to Lee Breakiron for the tip!

The Cimmerian Press
Enter the Barbarian: A Robert E. Howard LitCrit TriplePunchPack!

Featuring:  Articles about REH

Dark Horse Comics
Conan the Cimmerian #25

"Iron Shadows in the Moon"  (Part 4 of 4, graphic adaptation)
To H. P. Lovecraft, ca. July 1933,
"Glad we got the physical-mental question . . ." (brief excerpt)