Sunday, March 2, 2025

Robert E. Howard Foundation
Black Lotus Award

It is a honor for Howard Works to be considered and nominated for the Black Lotus Award. 
Thanks to all those who nominated the website.
Congratulations and best of luck to the other nominees as well.
Shawn Curley, Stale Gismervik, Gary Romeo, Evan Todd and Michael K. Vaughan.

New at Howard Works 

Аванта+ (Avanta +) (Russian)
Антология мировой фантастики. Том 8. Замок ужаса
Antologiia mirovoi fantastiki. Tom 8. Zamok uzhasa
Anthology of World Fiction. Volume 8. Castle of Terror

Featuring: "In the Forest of Villefère"

Аванта+ (Avanta +) (Russian)
Антология мировой фантастики. Том 10. Маги и драконы
Antologiia mirovoi fantastiki. Tom 10. Magi i drakony
Anthology of world fiction. Volume 10. Mages and Dragons

Featuring: "The Haunter of the Ring"

Aurora (Spanish)
Aurora Bitzine 93

Featuring: "Moonlight on a Skull" (poem)

Fiction House Press
The Hour of the Dragon (May 2020)

Featuring: "The Hour of the Dragon"

Dark Dragon Books (Dutch)
Conan - De Avonturier: Het uur van de draak

Featuring: "The Hour of the Dragon" (graphic adaptation)

Marvel Comics
Conan Saga Volume 1 Number 29

"The People of the Black Circle" (Part 2 of 4, graphic adaptation)

Conan the Freebooter

Updated the page to document the covers for all of the printings.
Thanks to Dustin_DeVengencie for his assistance.