Sunday, November 24, 2024

New at Howard Works 

Valdemar (Spanish)
Las extrañas aventuras de Solomon Kane
The Bizarre Adventures of Solomon Kane

"Skulls in the Stars"
"The Right Hand of Doom"
 "Red Shadows"
"Rattle of Bones"
"The Moon of Skulls"
"The Hills of the Dead"
 "Wings in the Night"
"The Footfalls Within"
"The Shadow of the Vulture"

Valdemar (Spanish)
Los hombres topo quieren tus ojos y otros relatos sangrientos de la Era Dorada del Pulp
Mole Men Want Your Eyes and Other Gory Tales from the Golden Age of Pulp

Featuring: "Lord of the Dead")

Aurora (Spanish)
Aurora Bitzine 72

Featuring: "The Last Day" (poem)

REH Foundation Press
Steve Harrison's Casebook (2nd edition, eBook)

"Lord of the Dead"
"The People of the Serpent"
"The Teeth of Doom"
"The Black Moon"
"The Voice of Death"
"The House of Suspicion"
"Names in the Black Book"
"The Silver Heel"
"Graveyard Rats"
"The Mystery of Tannernoe Lodge"
Untitled synopsis ("Steve Harrison received a wire …")
"The Silver Heel" (Synopsis)
"Graveyard Rats" (Draft)

Splitter Verlag GmbH & Co. KG (German)
Conan der Cimmerier: Der dunkle Fremde

Featuring: "The Black Stranger" (graphic adaptation)

Marvel Comics
Conan Saga Volume 1 Number 14

Featuring: "The Country of the Knife" (graphic adaptation featuring Conan)

Sunday, November 17, 2024

New at Howard Works 

Valdemar (Spanish)
Felices pesadillas. Los mejores relatos de terror aparecidos en Valdemar (1987 - 2003)
Happy Nightmares. The Best Horror Stories that Appeared in Valdemar (1987 - 2003)

Featuring: "The Valley of the Lost" (2)

Valdemar (Spanish)
La piedra negra y otros relatos de horror sobrenatural
The Black Stone and Other Tales of Supernatural Horror

"The Dream Snake"
"The Children of the Night"
"The Black Stone"
"The Thing on the Roof"
"Worms of the Earth"
"Old Garfield's Heart"
"The Garden of Fear"
"The Fire of Asshurbanipal" (1)
"The Shadow of the Beast"

Aurora (Spanish)
Aurora Bitzine 71

Featuring: "The Song of the Bats" (poem)

Shinkigensha (Japanese)
愛蔵版 英雄コナン全集 4 覇王篇
The Complete Conan Collectors Edition 4: The Overlord Arc
"The Phoenix on the Sword"
"The Scarlet Citadel"
"The Hour of the Dragon"
"By this Axe I Rule!"
"The Phoenix on the Sword" (First submitted draft, excerpts only)

Splitter Verlag GmbH & Co. KG (German)
Conan der Cimmerier: Der wandelnde Schatten

Featuring: "Xuthal of the Dusk" (graphic adaptation)

Marvel Comics
Conan Saga Volume 1 Number 13

Featuring: "Iron Shadows in the Moon" (graphic adaptation)

Sunday, November 10, 2024

New at Howard Works 

Valdemar (Spanish)
El valle del gusano y otros relatos de horror sobrenatural
The Valley of the Worm and Other Tales of Supernatural Horror

"In the Forest of Villefère"
"The Voice of El-Lil"
"The Gods of Bal-Sagoth"
"The Dark Man"
"People of the Dark"
"The Man on the Ground"
"The Valley of the Worm"
"The Dead Remember"
"Dig Me No Grave"
"Pigeons from Hell"

Valdemar (Spanish)
Cuentos de los mitos de Cthulhu. Los orígenes. Vol. 1

Tales from the Cthulhu Mythos -The Origins
Featuring: "The Black Stone"

Aurora (Spanish)
Aurora Bitzine 70

Featuring: "Black Chant Imperial" (poem)

Red Dragon Publisher (Portuguese)
O Reino das Sombras - Edição Pretoe Branco
O Reino das Sombras - Edição Colorida
The Shadow Kingdom - Black & White and Color editions
Featuring: "The Shadow Kingdom" (graphic adaptation)

Splitter Verlag GmbH & Co. KG (German)
Conan der Cimmerier: Die Stunde des Drachen

Featuring: "The Hour of the Dragon" (graphic adaptation)

Marvel Comics
Conan Saga Volume 1 Number 12

Featuring: "Black Colossus" (graphic adaptation)

Sunday, November 3, 2024

New at Howard Works 

Valdemar (Spanish)
Canaán negro y otros relatos de horror sobrenatural
Black Canaan and Other Tales of the Supernatural
"The Apparition in the Prize Ring"
"The Fearsome Touch of Death"
"The Horror from the Mound"
"The Man on the Ground"
"The Cairn on the Headland"
"The Haunter of the Ring"
"Moon of Zambebwei"
"Black Canaan"
"The Dead Remember"
"The House of Arabu"
"Dermod's Bane"
"Delenda Est"
"Restless Waters"
"The Noseless Horror"
"The Hoofed Thing"
"Casonetto's Last Song"
"The Dwellers Under the Tomb"

Valdemar (Spanish)
Cthulhu. Una celebración de los mitos H. P. Lovecraft y otros
Cthulhu. A Celebration of the Myths of H. P. Lovecraft and Others
Featuring: "The Black Stone"

Aurora (Spanish)
Aurora Bitzine 69

Featuring: "A Song Out of Midian" (poem)

Red Dragon Publisher (Portuguese)
Sangue e Trovão: a vida e a arte de Robert Howard
Blood & Thunder: The Life & Art of Robert E. Howard
Featuring: About REH

Splitter Verlag GmbH & Co. KG (German)
Conan der Cimmerier: Der Gott in der Schale

Featuring: "The God in the Bowl" (graphic adaptation)

Marvel Comics
Conan Saga Volume 1 Number 11

"The Gods of Bal-Sagoth" (Part 2 of 2)
"Mistress of Death"